The Icon Collection celebrates the 20th Anniversary of SpongeBob SquarePants and consists of eight looks that are inspired by the iconic characters from the hit Nickelodeon series. House of Rubber transformed the runway into an underwater fantasy, with a blow-up pineapple modeled after SpongeBob's home, flower clouds like the ones in Bikini Bottom's sky, and a tropical steel drum soundtrack.

For this collection we leaned into playful innocence and the ways SpongeBob SquarePants developed characters with consistent habits across all 12 seasons. For example, Mrs. Puff explodes into a bigger shape when she's angry or Patrick Star is always lazy and slow. These traits informed the actual designs, twisting cartoonish humor into haute couture womenswear. Circles, a graphic reference to SpongeBob's holy texture were a recurring theme throughout the lineup. They appeared as cut-outs on a long fishtail dress, as tulle appliqués on a flouncy cocktail number, as 3-D glass bubbles on a strapless ballgown, and as mirrors on a blazer and mini-skirt set. When the designs all posed together, the collection looked like a technicolor coral reef.

In 2019, The Icon Collection won the Lodz Young Fashion Award of €30.000,- funded by the City of Łódz



